Viagra 50mg Intex


Product Name: Viagra 50mg
Product Contains: Sildenafil 50mg / 25 Tablets

1 x Viagra 50mg Tablets
25 tablets per tub.
Tablets are Gluten Free. Wheat Free. Lactose Free & Suitable for Vegetarians


Product Name: Viagra 50mg
Product Contains: Sildenafil 50mg / 25 Tablets

VIAGRA 50mg x 25 tablets.

♦ Chemical Name ♦

♦ About ♦
Viagra is a tablet to be taken as and when needed. When sex drive or erectile disfunction problems arise, Viagra will ensure erections for up to 4 hours when stimulated. Sometimes when the right moment comes at the wrong time – unexpected interruptions, distractions, surprises/events can derail your romantic moment or plan but with Viagra you will be rock hard and ready for action with a quality erection. Safe for diabetics, if you have had a prostatectomy (removal of the prostate) it will improve your ability to get and maintain an erection regardless of age, weight etc.

♦ Active Life ♦
Up to 4 hours.

♦ Detection Time ♦
After a period of 2-3 days, all traces of Viagra will be out of your system for purposes of drug testing – urine/blood samples.

♦ Average Dose ♦
25-100mg, 30 minutes before sexual activity – will last up to 4 hours.

♦ Goes well with ♦
Caffeine for increase energy!

♦ How fast to notice erections ♦
Erections will begin 30 minutes after your tablet. You need to have some stimulation for it to work and your erections will be harder and last for longer!