Site icon Zod Roids

Safe Injecting

It is paramount to always use a fresh, sterile needle when preparing for your injection.

Never share or re-use any needles or equipment in ANY circumstances for your own health and safety.

All apparatus should be kept in a secure box, at room temperature and obviously out of reach of sunlight and children and in its original packaging.

We sell on our website everything you could possibly need apparatus wise should you have difficulty sourcing your own needles & syringes locally.

  • Before injecting, your vial and injection site should both be wiped with an alcohol wipe!
  • Place a fresh green needle onto your fresh syringe to then pierce the vial and extract your steroid dose (you push as much air in as ml you are taking out the vial to neatralize the pressure inside).
  • Take off the green needle and replace with a fresh blue needle.
  • Push the plunger on the syringe to push out any air until a single drop of oil beads down your needle.
  • Relax your muscle you will be injecting into, pierce slowly but confidently and then aspirate the needle to check there is no blood (you havent injected into a blood vessell).
  • Slowly inject the contents of your syringe into the muscle – take your time and the slower the better (1-2 minutes).
  • Once complete, take the needle out the muscle and dispose of it safely in a needle bin.
  • After the injection, try not to engage the muscle too much for a few hours and let it generally relax!

*NOTE* Some users experience an intense cough during injections – this is because you have either injected partially or wholly into your blood stream by accident. You will be fine – however the cough will be quite intense for 2-5 minutes until fresh blood has circulated back around again into all the fine capillaries in your lungs. Before you feel the coughing begins and it is coming – take the needle out and get yourself a cold glass of water and open a window for some fresh air which helps. To prevent the above – always aspirate your needle before injecting to know if you are deep inside the muscle or a blood vessel.

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