


  • 1 x 10ml Vial Deca Durabolin
  • 1 x 10ml Vial Sustanon 250
  • 2 x Dianabol 50mg x 60 Tablets
  • Buy Classic Steroid Stack Deca ,Sus Dbol



  • 1 x 10ml Vial Deca Durabolin
  • 1 x 10ml Vial Sustanon 250
  • 2 x Dianabol 50mg x 60 Tablets

Week 1
1ml/mg of – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
1ml/mg of  – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
Tablets of Dianabol per training day mg per day
Week 2
1ml/mg of – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
1ml/mg of  – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
Tablets of Dianabol per training day mg per day
Week 3
1ml/mg of – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
1ml/mg of  – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
Tablets of Dianabol per training day mg per day

Week 4
1ml/mg of – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
1ml/mg of  – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
Tablets of Dianabol per training day mg per day
Week 5
1ml/mg of – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
1ml/mg of  – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
Tablets of Dianabol per training day mg per day

Week 6
1ml/mg of – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
1ml/mg of  – 1 x 1ml/mg per week
Tablets of Dianabol per training day mg per day
After the Colossus hench pack we advise you run PCT tablets to get your natural levels back faster