SuperDrol 25mg


Product Name: Superdrol 25mg
Manufacturer:  Bullion Pharma
CONTAINS:  Methasterone 25mg / 100 Tablets per container


Product Name: Superdrol 25mg
Manufacturer:  Bullion Pharma
CONTAINS:  Methasterone 25mg / 100 Tablets per container
Methasterone, or Superdrol (also known as methyldrostanolone) is another steroid that has become available. It’s a very potent steroid that is relatively unique in the fact that it can be absorbed orally – meaning that you don’t need to use any needles to experience the benefits.
Superdrol is known by a couple of names, primarily methasterone or methyldrostanolone. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll just be referring to it as Superdrol.
Superdrol is believed to be one of the strongest orally active steroids that you can find. This is impressive because it allows for the opportunity to not need an injection to experience the benefits of a steroidUK EU next day delivery