Buy Clenbuterol 40mcg Bullion Pharma


  • Brand: Bullion Pharma
  • Product: Clenbuterol
  • Contains:
  • Clenbuterol Hydrochloride 40mcg
  • 100 Tablets per Container
  • Delivery to UK and EU – 1-2 days!
  • Commonly Known As Clen


  • Brand: Bullion Pharma
  • Product: Clenbuterol
  • Contains:
  • Clenbuterol Hydrochloride 40mcg
  • 100 Tablets per Container
  • Delivery to UK and EU – 1-2 days!
  • Commonly Known As Clen

Normally designed to treat asthma, Clenbuterol relaxes and opens the muscles of the bronchi, supports muscle growth but above all causes the melting of fat. This anabolic effect comes from the fact that it slows the elimination of proteins from muscle cells. This feature is interesting because the muscles can constantly synthesize food protein and store it in the muscle. The anti-catabolic effect is very developed and the stimulation of Beta 2 receptors blocks cortisone, which is harmful for the muscles. The muscle growth is of good quality and is accompanied by an increase in strength…Many sportsmen have tested positive with this product during anti-doping tests due to its ability to work wonders.